New Features

What's up? I haven't posted much on here in a long time. I wanted to share some of the changes that have been made and the additions that have been added.

Originally, I wanted Bible Dungeon to have decent quality graphics. I wanted it to be playable with no issue on most platforms. One day, after deciding how I want the first level's test to go, I installed the Unity terrain tool kit and for some reason the HDRP came with that. The lights were messed up and looked very dim, so I had to take some time to fix that. Now, the game has things like volumetric lighting and ray tracing. 

Something I used to struggle with is making a settings menu, but  I really think the LORD is letting me do things in this game that I couldn't do before. Currently, I have fullscreen, vsync, quality, and resolution settings. They all work too. The only issue is that the drop down menus cut off at the bottom. That's something that I hope will be able to be fixed soon.

So far, I have pretty much all of the questions and answers on the first level. I need to edit the fourth question's answer and replace "Command" with "Statement" in all of the questions I haven't yet. After that all of the questions will be good and I'll just need to show the hints.

A few months ago, I thought about a hunger and fasting system. It was something I was pretty happy about, so  I added it. It works pretty well right now. If you don't eat for so long you'll start fasting. If you fast for too long you'll die. You have to hold off eating as long as you can then you will be able to fast longer. I want to make it to where the longer you fast the more fast points you get. This also needs to come with a reward system, but I haven't thought about that yet. 

There's also a new icon as you may have noticed. I really like the way it looks. It kind of reminds me of a classis RPG or something similar.

I will update more later. The game looks how I want it to so far, and I hope it will be a blessing to anyone who plays it. Enjoy your pankakez and stay blessed!


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